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ER24 Media Blog: Six Injured After Truck Crashes Into Ditch.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Six Injured After Truck Crashes Into Ditch.

Three workers sustained serious injuries, while another three workers sustained minor injuries after the truck they were travelling in crashed into a ditch at the corners of Howick Old Main road and Curry’s Post this afternoon.

ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene to find the truck that was carrying wood lying in the ditch, while the six occupants were found up the road just a few meter away. Three of the workers had sustained possible neck and back injuries, while the other three had sustained minor abrasions and shock. All three patients were transported to Northdale Hospital for further medical care.

It is unclear what caused the driver to lose control but it is believed that the truck may have had mechanical problems but the necessary authorities were on the scene and would be investigating the incident.

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