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ER24 Media Blog: 18 Year Old Dies In Motorbike Accident

Thursday, June 3, 2010

18 Year Old Dies In Motorbike Accident

A woman, believed to be on her way to work, was driving out of Belladonna road into C.R Swart Drive in Roodekraans when the collision occurred.

The eighteen year old was on his motorcycle when he drove into the right driver's door of the car. His bike was found in pieces according to the ER24 paramedics on scene. Unfortunately the young man's body had sustained severe traumatic injuries. He was declared deceased on the scene when paramedics found that he had massive trauma to his head, chest and abdomen.

The woman driver of the car was in severe shock, and she was transported to a nearby hospital for minor to moderate injuries.

The young man's father arrived on the scene as paramedics were declaring his body, but fortunately a trauma councellor from the emergency services was on the scene to step in.

Johannesburg Metro Police were on the scene to assist with traffic flow, and they will be investigating the cause of the incident.

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