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ER24 Media Blog: Annual Child Protection Week In South Africa

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Annual Child Protection Week In South Africa

Some of the saddest calls that paramedics attend to are involving children. It is heartbreaking to find that an innocent child has been injured, often due to another person's ignorance or negligence.

Not only do we want to stress that all small children should be placed in some sort of car seat or booster seat when travelling in a motor vehicle, but also to attempt to protect our children in all aspects of their life.

In no way are we promoting parents or guardians to go out an buy a large roll of bubble wrap and wrap their children up in pillows every day, but we encourage awareness when it comes to protecting your child.

Make sure young children are always in the presence of a guardian or parent when out in public. Do not allow your child to wander parks or shopping malls alone. At home, ensure your yard is safe for your child, check that fences are secure and gates are closed and locked. Even in Winter, make sure your pool is absolutely safe when you allow your child to play in the yard. Do not allow your child to play in the road, show them on how to cross roads safely, and do not let them throw balls near roads which may promote them to run into the road after a lost ball.

Children are care free, they may not notice possible dangerous situations until it is too late. Be an assertive parent and educate your child.

Teach your child about Childline, and let them memorise their toll free number 0800 055 555. Parents are also welcome to phone the number for help and advice. If you suspect a child is being abused, report the incident to the police.

Let us all work together to protect our children not only this week but every day of the year. After all, these young ones are our country's future!

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