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ER24 Media Blog: Three Killed in Collision with Bus

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Three Killed in Collision with Bus

Three people were killed last night in Parow when their Citi Golf collided with a bus on the corners of Van Zyl and 35th Avenue.

Paramedics arrived on the scene shortly after 20:00 where they found the Golf wedged halfway underneath the side of the bus.

Bystanders pointed that there were still people inside of the vehicle. Rescue workers used hydraulic tools to gain access to the vehicle.

The three male occupants believed to be 13, 20 and 40 years old sustained multiple fatal injuries.

No one were injured in the bus. The exact cause for this collision is not yet known and will be investigated.

1 comment:

  1. elsieo@nashuamobile.comApril 4, 2010 at 5:48 PM

    The one person was JH Nel from Gauteng and father of one daughter - Charne Nel. She has also lost het stepdad in June 2009 due to cancer
