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ER24 Media Blog: Collision Leaves 23 Injured.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Collision Leaves 23 Injured.

Twenty three people have been injured after a collision between a bakkie and a taxi on Edendale road this afternoon.

ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene, to find the taxi facing a railing that goes over a small river and the bakkie was facing oncoming traffic that was heading towards Elandskop. Patients were found strewn across the lane with multiple injuries. One patient was found still in the back of the bakkie with serious pains to her neck and back. All the patients had sustained serious injuries consisting of either broken limbs or severe lacerations to their arms and heads. Patients were stabilised using specialised equipment while Advanced Life Support Intervention was being performed on them.

All patients were stabilised on the scene and taken to various hospitals in the greater Pietermaritzburg area for further medical care.

It is unclear who was at fault as details are rather sketchy but Pietermaritzburg SAPS Collision Unit is on the scene and would be investigating the accident.

EMRS ambulance had to call their disaster bus to help with the transportation of the patients.

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