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ER24 Media Blog: Baby And Caretaker Assaulted

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Baby And Caretaker Assaulted

A one year old baby and her thirty three year old caretaker were assaulted in a residential home in Robindale.

Both of them sustained wounds to their heads after an unknown number of suspects assaulted them after trying to rob them. They were both transported to respective hospitals in a critical condition.

It is unclear as to how the suspects entered the premises, but the Linden SAPS were on scene and will investigate.

1 comment:

  1. What an absolutely despicably unnecessary thing to do to attack someone as vulnerable and harmless as a one-year-old baby and his/her caretaker. The crime in South Africa is reaching phenomenally violent proportions.
    One really hopes that these disgusting fiends are caught and brought to justice.
