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ER24 Media Blog: Two Different Bike Accidents In Two Hours

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Two Different Bike Accidents In Two Hours

Three people have been seriously injured this afternoon after two separate motor bike accidents in the highway area in a spate of two hours this afternoon.

The first motor bike accident was on Village road in Kloof near the John Dory’s restaurant. Paramedics arrived on the scene to find a gentleman lying in the road and his motor bike near him in two pieces. The man had suffered a broken leg and was in severe pain. Advanced Life Support intervention was performed on the patient before been transported to hospital in a serious but stable condition.

It is unclear who was at fault but the patient remembers hitting a car while travelling along Village road.

The second accident happened on the M7 Eastbound near the Hans Dettman on ramp. The incident took place just around 18h30. ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene to find two patients, one was a female who was lying in the storm drain and the second was the driver of the motor bike who was found seated neat the female.

The female had sustained multiple abrasions and severe pain to her shoulder and hip region. Advanced Life Support intervention was performed on her before she was placed on a board to help protect her spine. The gentleman was treated for a possible fractured arm, he too needed advanced life support intervention. Both patients were transported to a nearby hospital in a serious but stable condition for further medical care.

It is believed that the motor cyclist lost control while taking a corner and span out, crashing into the Armco barrier near the emergency lane.

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