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ER24 Media Blog: Taxi Accident Leaves School Children Injured.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Taxi Accident Leaves School Children Injured.

Five school children and four adults have been seriously injured after a collision involving two taxi’s on the New Greytown Road ( R33 ) and Briksem just outside Copesville this morning.

ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene to find one taxi down an embankment and another taxi was on the road. There were three occupants in the taxi that was down the embankment. They had sustained possible neck and back injuries and were in a serious condition.

The taxi on the road had six occupants in the vehicle of which five of them were school children. They were all mechanical entrapped and the Jaws Of Life was used to extricated them from the vehicle. They had suffered serious injuries and needed advanced life support intervention before they could be moved from the vehicle.

All patients were stabilised on the scene and transported to Pietermaritzburg Medi-Clinic and other surrounding hospitals for further medical care.

It is unclear who was at fault but the necessary authorities were on the scene and would be investigating the incident.

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