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ER24 Media Blog: Freak Truck Accident Kills Driver.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Freak Truck Accident Kills Driver.

A man to be in his mid to late thirties has been killed in a freak truck accident on Riddick road in Reservoir Hills this morning.

ER24 and EMRS arrived on the scene to find a tipper truck lying on its side, completely blocking the road to traffic. When emergency personnel approached the cabin of the truck they found the man wedged between the door and the road. He had suffered severe traumatic and fatal head injuries and was declared deceased by paramedics on the scene.

It is believed that the patient was off loading rocks and sand down an embankment when the tipper started to tip over to the right. It is unclear if the man was trying to escape when the truck over turned.
The necessary authorities were called to the scene and would investigate the accident further.

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