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ER24 Media Blog: Southern Cape [Glentana Bay] on 29 August 2009 at 15h15

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Southern Cape [Glentana Bay] on 29 August 2009 at 15h15

A man, believed to be twenty five years old, was allegedly attacked by a shark while surfing at Glentana Bay this afternoon.

When ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene, the patient had been pulled out the water by the public and they were performing CPR.

The patient sustained an amputation of the right lower leg, which a quick thinking member of the public had already applied a tourniquet to. Paramedics continued with CPR and an advanced life support resuscitation was carried out.

A Red Cross Air Mercy Service helicopter was called in to transport the patient to George Provincial Hospital in a critical condition.

Resuscitation efforts continued at the hospital but unfortunately the man was later declared dead.

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