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ER24 Media Blog: 21 Injured In Collision

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

21 Injured In Collision

A collision between a bakkie, a taxi and a light motor vehicle has left twenty one people injured this morning. The incident took place on Edendale and Caluza road near the BP garage in Pietermaritzburg.

ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene and found the three vehicles in the intersection, with all the patients strewn across the road. It seems that community members had pulled the victims from the vehicles before emergency personnel had arrived on the scene.

A fifteen year old girl was left in a critical condition, and needed advanced life support intervention for her injuries. Seven other commuters had sustained serious injuries, while the remaining thirteen had sustained minor to moderate injuries. All patients were stabilised on the scene and transported to various hospitals in the greater Pietermaritzburg area.

It is unclear as to who was at fault, but the necessary authorities were on the scene and would be investigating the incident further.

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