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ER24 Media Blog: Durban ( Westville ) N2 North Bound Near Spaghetti Junction.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Durban ( Westville ) N2 North Bound Near Spaghetti Junction.

A man who is in his early forty’s has died after his car left the freeway and rolled into a ditch on the side of the road this morning.

ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene to find the BMW lying on its side in the ditch facing north. Members of public who had witnessed the accident, quickly informed paramedics that the driver was still inside the vehicle. Once paramedics gained access to the vehicle they found the man lying in the driver’s seat. The patient was assessed but was found that he had died due to unknown injuries.

It is believed the vehicle was travelling along the N2 North bound when it is alleged the car veered off the road and rolled along the embankment before coming to a halt in the ditch.

Metro Police, RTI, SAPS and EMRS were on scene.

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