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ER24 Media Blog: VEREENIGING [ Vaal Triangle ] Van Riebeeck Street opposite Show Grounds on 27 July 2009 at 07:40

Monday, July 27, 2009

VEREENIGING [ Vaal Triangle ] Van Riebeeck Street opposite Show Grounds on 27 July 2009 at 07:40

At least two adults and one child was killed this morning in a head on collision between a school taxi and a car in front of the Vereeniging Show Grounds.

Paramedics from ER24 that arrived on the scene found a chaotic scene with children scattered across the road. On further assessment they found that one child, believed to be 12 years old, was killed in the taxi and at least five others were seriously injured.

All of the children sustained multiple injuries as they were thrown from the taxi during the accident. The driver of the taxi is also in a serious condition.

Two men, believed to be in their 30's, have died in the car and a lady also in her 30's was left in a critical condition. The men sustained multiple bodily trauma and was also declared dead on the scene. The lady sustained multiple bodily injuries.

The fire department had to use the jaws of life to rescue some of the occupants of the vehicles.

It is understood that the taxi collided head on with the car near the school.

Van Riebeeck Street has been closed for traffic in both directions as rescue personnel are still on the scene stabilizing those that are critically injured.

The incident will be investigated by the local authorities to determine the exact cause of the collision.

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