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ER24 Media Blog: Grabouw - N2 on 30 July 2009 at 13h45

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Grabouw - N2 on 30 July 2009 at 13h45

Around 73 people were allegedly involved in a collision involving a bus and a bakkie on the N2 near Grabouw this afternoon.

One person was dead on arrival of emergency services, two people sustained serious injuries, eleven people sustained moderate injuries with the remaining fifty nine people sustaining minor or no injuries.

The patients with serious and moderate injuries, and some of the minor injured, were taken by ER24 and Metro EMS ambulances to various surrounding hospitals. The majority of the remaining fifty nine people who were involved in the collision were taken by other buses from the scene.

Rescue crews from the Fire Department and Metro Rescue assisted with the treatment of the patients. Police were in attendance and are investigating the collision.

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