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ER24 Media Blog: ER24 Training Academy

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ER24 Training Academy

If an environment is inherently dangerous, occasional accidents are inevitable no matter what precautions are taken. For this reason it is essential that workers know what to do if an accident occurs. If employees have received first aid training and know how to react in an emergency situation, what could have been a fatal accident can often be reduced to a relatively minor one.
Cognizant of the importance of CPR training, ER24 Emergency Medical Services has launched a training academy that is aimed at providing comprehensive training to companies and organizations.
ER24’s first aid training consists of a wide range of information that prepares workers to perform first aid in any emergency situation. All content adheres strictly to HWSETA unit standards and covers areas such as basic principles of first aid and safety, basic anatomy and physiology, emergency scene management, CPR, dressing and bandages, medical and trauma environmental emergencies and bites and stings.
Courses have been carefully prepared to ensure that information is easily understandable and that it equips employees with the necessary information to act efficiently in an emergency.
ER24’s training academy is also nationally and internationally accredited through the Emergency Care and Safety Institute of America (ECSI), the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and the local Department of Labor and Health and Welfare SETA alignment.
Companies have an obligation to prepare workers for medical emergency situations. What many still do not realize, however, is that this is a legal obligation that leaves employers criminally negligent if they do not conform to regulations. Regulation states that “an employer shall take all reasonable steps that are necessary under the circumstances to ensure that persons at work receive prompt first aid treatment in case of injury or emergency”.
While many companies disregard these regulations, organizations within the heavy industries cannot afford to be so careless. The nature of these industries means that employees have a much higher likelihood of being in an accident and subsequently requiring emergency first aid. And because of this companies must provide workers with the necessary first aid training. It’s not only a legal requirement, but a moral responsibility as well.

Focusing on quality of education, expansion of our curriculums and courses to meet the ever changing and dynamic needs of the emergency medical services community, the ER24 Training Academy has launched courses that are internationally accredited and locally accepted allowing for CPD / CEU points allocation and upgrading our skills.
Our new academy affords you an uplifting, inspiring educational experience, one that we are proud to produce for you, it’s well worth a visit, feel free to pop in anytime you’re in the area.

As the ER24 Training Academy has your clinical skills at heart, Your ability to deliver high end patient care and top notch emergency assistance is paramount, it promotes the public image of ER24 and our profession as a whole and it is what we aim to achieve.
We are now proud to offer our intermediate and basic life support staff the ACLS for EMT-B course, a publication by Jones and Bartlett that is accredited through the AAOS (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons) and ACEP (American College of Emergency Physicians) and offers you an unique insight into the world of Advanced Cardiac Life Support, what drugs they use and how to use them, ECG interpretation and airway management techniques as well as a whole host of incite full pointers and procedures.

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