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ER24 Media Blog: Kokstad ( N2 ) 28km outside Kokstad

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kokstad ( N2 ) 28km outside Kokstad

Kokstad ( N2 ) 28km outside Kokstad

One person is dead and another person has sustained serious injuries after a head on collision this afternoon on the N2, 28km outside Kokstad in the direction of Port Shepstone.

ER24 service provider ResQmed were amongst the first to arrive on the scene. They found two light motor vehicles in the middle of the road. Once they approached the first vehicle they found a female driver who is believed to be in her early thirty’s was entrapped and had suffered severe fatal injuries. She was declared deceased on the scene by emergency personnel. Jaws Of Life had to be used to extricate the deceased from the vehicle.

The driver of the second vehicle also a female was in a serious condition. She had suffered possible neck and back injuries. She was stabilised and transported to Kokstad provincial for further medical treatment.

It is believed that misty and rainy conditions may have been the cause of this collision but the necessary authorities were on scene and a full investigation will be done into the accident.

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