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ER24 Media Blog: Woman Allegedly Assaulted On Her Lunch Break

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Woman Allegedly Assaulted On Her Lunch Break

It seems that the thirty year old woman was leaving for her lunch break from her place of work in McGregor street, Bloemfontein, when she was allegedly assaulted.

ER24 paramedics were called to the scene by her colleagues when they saw her walking back to the office and she seemed to be staggering. They then noted that she had collapsed as she had entered the gate of the premises. 

When paramedics arrived on the scene, the woman was in a great deal of pain, but she was fully alert and remembered what had happened. She explained that she was going to get lunch when she was approached by an unknown suspect who allegedly assaulted her with a blunt object to the head. Upon assessment, paramedics found that she had a fracture of her skull, and they bandaged the wound, stopped the bleeding and loaded her onto specialised equipment into the ambulance. She was then transported to a nearby hospital where she will receive further assessment and treatment for her injuries.

No other people seemed to have been involved in this incident, and it is still unclear as to whether the lady had any of her personal belongings taken from her during the alleged assault. The city police were on scene to take statements for investigation.

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