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ER24 Media Blog: Please Help - 18 Die In Old Age Home Fire

Monday, August 2, 2010

Please Help - 18 Die In Old Age Home Fire

News broke this morning on several radio and television broadcasts of the 18 elderly people that died in a horrific fire in Nigel.

The fire broke out late last night at the Peter Wessels Old Age Home and left scores of people without any food, clothes or something to keep them warm. Some of them could save their personal belongings, but majority lost everything.

Please be so kind to assist with one of the following wherever you can:

1. Non-perishable food
2. Clothes
3. Blankets
4. Toiletries
5. Shoes
6. Bedding, etc.

If you can assist with any of the above or in any other way, please mail me (werner.vermaak@er24.co.za) or Anne-Rita Fewell (anne-rita.fewell@er24.co.za).

Your assistance would be highly appreciated.


They are currently being assisted by two churches in the area.

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