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ER24 Media Blog: Durban ( Central ) Intersection of Grey and Commercial Street.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Durban ( Central ) Intersection of Grey and Commercial Street.

Fifteen commuters have been injured after two taxis collided at the intersection of Dr Yusuf Dadoo ( Grey Street ) and Commercial Street this evening.

ER24 paramedics along with other emergency personnel arrived on the scene to find two taxis in the middle of the intersection, with multiple injured patients from both vehicles found seated on the floor near the accident scene.

Four patients were treated for serious injuries as they had possibly sustained neck and back injuries. Thirteen other patients were treated for minor to moderate injuries. All the patients were stabilised on the scene and transported to various hospitals in the greater Durban area.
It is unclear who was at fault but the necessary authorities were on scene and a full investigation would be launched into the accident.

1 comment:

  1. We were at the sean when the accident happened. The white taxi that was driving on gray street completely ignored the red robot and crashed into the red who had the right of way
